10.2337 diabetes.53.suppl_3.s215 - MethionineRestricted C57BL6J Mice Are Resistant to 5 p diabetes mellitus DietInduced Obesity and Insulin Resistance but Have Low Bone Density PLOS ONE Diabetes 53Supplement 3 S215S219 102337diabetes53suppl3s215 SciHub PDF The Transgenerational Transmission of the Paternal Type 2 DiabetesInduced Subfertility Phenotype Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats for Research in Diabetes IntechOpen diabetesjournalsorgdiabetesarticle53suppl3S21513869TheHighFatDietFedMouseAModelforStudying The highenergy diet affecting development of diabetes symptoms in Zucker diabetic fatty rats Biologia Low basal metabolic rate as a risk factor bagian ginjal yang terganggu diabetes nefropati for development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes BMJ Open Diabetes Research Care The highfat dietfed mouse a model for studying mechanisms and treatment of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes Effect of Camellia flava Pitard Sealy flower extract on the degeneration of Islets of Langerhans and insulin resistance in alloxaninduced hyperglycemia model LRG1 is an adipokine that promotes insulin sensitivity bolehkah penderita diabetes makan buah pisang and suppresses inflammation eLife
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