agent orange and diabetes - Agent Orange exposure and disability compensation obat untuk penderita neuropati diabetes TYPE 2 DIABETES Diabetes mellitus is a group of heterogeneous metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia and a quantitative or qualitative deficiency in insulin action Orchard et al 1992 and classified as E08E13 by ICD10Although all forms of diabetes share hyperglycemia the pathogenic processes involved in the development of the various types of diabetes differ Agent Orange was a plantkilling chemical herbicide The United States military used Agent Orange during the Vietnam conflict from 1962 to 1971 to clear trees plants and vegetation from US bases and to remove foliage used for cover Diabetes Type 2 Hodgkin lymphoma Hypothyroidism Ischemic heart disease Multiple myeloma Non Learn how veterans who develop type 2 diabetes mellitus and were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service can get VA benefits and health care Find out about the signs risk factors prevention and research on diabetes and herbicides Diabetes Mellitus Type II Compensation Veterans Affairs Agent Orange and Diabetes Mellitus Type II Hill Ponton Agent Orange Effects Symptoms Cleveland Clinic Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 and Agent Orange Public Health CONCLUSIONS The committee assessed the association between Type 2 diabetes and herbicide or dioxin exposure The assessment included several papers and reports published after deliberations were completed for the last National Academies report that addressed this topic Veterans and Agent Orange Update 1998 Go to Veterans and Agent Orange HerbicideDioxin Exposure and Type 2 Diabetes If you served in Vietnam and have diabetes mellitus Type II you may be eligible for VA disability compensation without proving a connection Learn about the eligibility criteria evidence needed retroactive benefits and how to apply Veterans and Agent Orange HerbicideDioxin Exposure and Type buah2an yang dihindari penderita diabetes 2 Diabetes reviews the scientific evidence regarding the association if any between Type 2 diabetes1 and exposure to dioxin2 and other chemical compounds in herbicides used in Vietnam This report examines to the extent that available data permitted meaningful determinations 1 Agent Orange and Type 2 Diabetes Take Charge of Your Health Public Learn how exposure to herbicides during military service may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and how to manage it Find out about VA benefits resources and services for Veterans with diabetes Veterans and Agent Orange NCBI Bookshelf National Center for CONCLUSIONS Veterans and Agent Orange NCBI Bookshelf This report is the result of a 1999 request from the Department of Veterans Affairs DVA under the aegis of the Veterans and Agent Orange research program Specifically DVA asked the committee to examine evidence regarding the association if any between Type 2 diabetes and exposure to dioxin and other chemical compounds in herbicides used We base eligibility for VA disability compensation benefits in part on whether you served in a location that exposed you to Agent Orange We call this having a presumption of exposure You have a presumption of exposure if you meet at least one of these service requirements Between January 9 1962 and May 7 1975 you must have served for Agent Orange a powerful herbicide used by the US military during the Vietnam War has long been associated with a range of serious health conditions Among these is Type 2 diabetes a chronic condition that affects the way your body processes blood sugar This connection between Agent Orange and diabetes has been the subject of significant Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disorders diabetes community Veterans and Agent Orange
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