american diabetes association 2004 consensus antipsycotic drugs - Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs abstrak pengaruh senam yoga terhadap diabetes and Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes Obes Res 2004 Feb12 23628 doi 101038oby200446 Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Metabolic Screening After the American Diabetes Association39s Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Association of antipsychotic drugs on type 2 diabetes Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Association Between Antipsychotic Medication Use and Diabetes Background The benefits of some secondgeneration antipsychotics SGAs must be weighed against the increased risk for diabetes mellitus This study examines whether the association between SGAs and diabetes differs by dose Methods Patients were 18 years of age from three US healthcare systems and exposed to an SGA for 45 days between November 1 2002 and March 31 2005 Patients had no Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and There is little consensus about the risk of diabetes in people with schizophrenia and the role of atypical antipsychotic drugs 24 Recently I was a member of a group of international psychiatrists and diabetologists who reviewed the evidence surrounding this issue proceedings have been published in a supplement to the April 2004 issue of The prevalence of diabetes is 10 among people taking antipsychotics which is 23fold higher than the general population 1 2 Diabetes occurs at an earlier age and acute metabolic emergencies and diabetes complications have a greater impact in people with severe mental illness The reasons underlying the increased rates of diabetes are Patients exposed to antipsychotics 45 days were identified and followed for incident diagnoses of treated diabetes Data analysis accounted for drug switching and nonconsistent drug use Results In the 55 287member inception cohort 357 cases of newly treated diabetes were identified In February 2004 the American Diabetes Association ADA published a consensus statement on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes with the American Psychiatric Association the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the North American Association for the Study of Obesity The consensus statement described the metabolic To gain a better understanding of this relationship the American Diabetes Association the American Psychiatric Association the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the North American Association for the Study of Obesity convened a consensus development conference November 1921 2003 on the subject of antipsychotic Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Obesity and Diabetes American Diabetes Association Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes Diabetes Care 2004 Feb27 2596601 doi 102337diacare272596 Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and Metabolic Screening After the American Diabetes Association39s Background Type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM and its related complications are associated with schizophrenia However the relationship between antipsychotic medications obat untuk mata kabur karena diabetes APs and T2DM risk remains unclear In this populationbased retrospective cohort study across the country we investigated schizophrenia and the effect of APs on the risk of T2DM and glucose homeostasisrelated gene For this reason the US Food and Drug Administration has notified the manufacturers of the secondgeneration antipsychotics that product labeling for all drugs in that class will require a new warning about hyperglycemia and diabetes Furthermore the risk attributable to antipsychotics appears small compared with established risk factors Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Association between secondgeneration antipsychotics and Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes response to consensus statement Diabetes Care 2004 Aug27820889 author reply 208990 doi 102337diacare2782088a Last November the American Diabetes Association American Psychiatric Association American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and North American Association for the Study of Obesity convened a consensus development conference on this topic The resulting consensus statement appears in the February 2004 issue of Diabetes Care 200427 In the February 2004 issue of Diabetes Care the American Diabetes Association ADA published a summary of their conclusions drawn from the Consensus Development Conference on Antipsychotic Drugs and Obesity and Diabetes Although the ADA ranked the diabetes risk for secondgeneration antipsychotics SGAs the US Food and Drug Before addressing the specific issues raised in each of these letters I think it is important to note why the American Diabetes Association ADA and other organizations produce consensus statements As stated in our clinical practice recommendations the need for a consensus statement arises when clinicians or scientists desire guidance The incidence of diabetes in atypical antipsychotic users To gain a better understanding of this relationship the American Diabetes Association the American Psychiatric Association the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the North American Association for the Study of Obesity convened a consensus development conference 1921 November 2003 on the subject of antipsychotic drugs Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes J Clin Psychiatry 2004 Feb65 226772 doi 104088jcpv65n0219 In February 2004 the American Diabetes Association ADA published a consensus statement on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes with the American Psychiatric Association the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the North American Association for the Study of Obesity The consensus statement described the metabolic Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and Discusses consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes Antipsychotic medications are an important component in the medical management of many psychotic conditions With the introduction of the secondgeneration antipsychotics SGAs over the last decade the use of these medications has soared The firstgeneration antipsychotics FGAs are still widely Consensus Development Conference obat diabetes bikin gemuk on Antipsychotic Drugs and
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