batubara rj audit of childhood diabetes control in indonesia - Type 1 diabetes mellitus in children nama obat diabetes Experience in Indonesia Audit of childhood diabetes control in Indonesia 08 Jose RL Batubara ok downloadgarudakemdikbudgoid Changing Diabetes in Children Indonesia Publicprivate partnership to Diagnosis dan Tata Laksana Diabetes Mellitus Tipe1 pada Anak dan Remaja Jakarta Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia 2017 Chiang JL Maahs DM Garvey KC Hood KK Laffel LM Weinzimer SA Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents A Position Statement by the American Diabetes Association Diabetes Care 201841202644 Diabetes Melitus Tipe1 pada Anak Situasi di Indonesia dan Tata Asia still have incomplete or lack diabetes data In Indonesia available data show that the prevalence of diabetes in the urban areas of Jakarta increased from 17 in 1982 to 57 in 19953 unfortunately little information on the status of pediatric diabetes is availAudit of childhood diabetes control in Indonesia Jose RL Batubara MD Malaysian Family Physician 2015 Type 1 diabetes mellitus DM accounts for more than 90 of childhood and adolescent diabetes Of the estimated 479600 type 1 diabetic children worldwide 24 were from the SouthEast Asian region and 64 from the Western Pacific region23 The annual incidence for childhood type 1 DM 014 year age group ranged from 01 per 100000 in China to 576 per Type 1 diabetes mellitus in children experience in Indonesia Objectives To determine the status of diabetes control in children and adolescents in Indonesia Methods We collected data from seven pediatric diabetes centers in Indonesia from January to September 2001 Data were obtained either by patient PDF Tata laksana Metformin Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 pada Anak The present audit shows that 90 of the type 1 and all of thetype 2 patients did not achieve adequate glycemic control HbA 1c 75 and the american diabetes association 2015 frequency of severe hypoglycemia was higher in the younger children and gly glucose control was worse in the older children Objectives To determine the status of diabetes control in children and adolescents in Indonesia Methods We collected data from The number of T1DM children in Indonesia with diabetic ketoacidosis DKA at diagnosis remained high 71 in 2017 which increased when compared to the number recorded in 20152016 63 The Type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescent an Indonesian In 20172019 1249 children were diagnosed with T1DM in Indonesia and 70 were diagnosed with DKA at diagnosis in 2017 Changing Diabetes in Children CDiC is a publicprivate partnership PPP to enhance healthcare access for young people with T1DM in lowresource settings Indonesia is a member of CDiC among 26 countries Audit of childhood diabetes control in Indonesia Academiaedu The incidence of T2DM over the last 2 decades has increased significantly In Japan the incidence of T2DM is increased twofold from 73 to 139 per 100000 in primary schoolaged children In Thailand T2DM in children and adolescents increased from 5 during 19861995 to 179 in 19961999 Moelyo et al found 38 children and adolescents with T2DM from the Indonesian National Batubara RL Audit of childhood diabetes control in levels by 6896 compared to the control group Diabetes Among all the parameters assessed NLME exhibited similar performance to Diabetes mellitus Dalam Practical endocrinology and diabetes in children Edisi 2 Philadelphia Blackwell publishing 2006 h 133 Batubara JRL Audit of childhood diabetes control in Indonesia Paediatr Indones 2002422806 De Beaufort CE Swift PGF Skinner CT Aanstoot HJ Aman J Cameron F The Hvidoere study group on childhood diabetes Komplikasi Jangka Pendek dan Jangka Panjang makanan yang aman untuk penderita diabetes Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 1
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