breast cancer diabetes type 2 - Type 2 diabetes is a medical aspartam och diabetes disease that affects more than 7 of adults in developed countries and up to 10 to 20 of patients with breast cancer have diabetes the significant risk factors for type 2 diabetes are old age and obesity which are also risk factors for breast cancer 6 Studies of 38000 women reported that 15 of women had The Impact of Diabetes on Breast Cancer Treatments and Outcomes A Type 2 diabetes mellitus and breast cancer are complex chronic heterogeneous and multifactorial diseases with common risk factors including but not limited to diet obesity and age They also share mutually inclusive phenotypic features such as the metabolic deregulations resulting from hyperglycemia hypoxic conditions and hormonal Metaanalyses of studies before 2012 reported a 20 increased risk of breast cancer in women with type 2 diabetes T2D 1 2 Possible mechanisms include activating insulin or insulinlike growth factor receptors in breast epithelial tissue or modifications of levels of sex hormones through insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia 3 Considering these mechanisms drugs to treat T2D may alter Breast cancer and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus a Springer Diabetes as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer PMC PubMed Central PMC Diabetes affects up to onethird of patients with breast cancer and evidence shows that women with diabetes have a 40 higher risk of mortality after breast cancer than women without diabetes 14Diabetes not only increases noncancer mortality as a result of diabetesrelated complications but also affects breast cancerspecific mortality Breast cancer and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus a PubMed Diabetes mellitus and risk of breast cancer a largescale Nature Abstract Metabolic disorders especially type 2 diabetes and its associated complications represent a growing public health problem Epidemiological findings indicate a close relationship between diabetes and many types of cancer including artikel seputar diabetes breast cancer risk which regards not only the dysmetabolic condition but also its underlying risk factors and therapeutic interventions Diabetes and Cancer A consensus report PMC PubMed Central PMC On the other hand some type 2 diabetes treatments may have some favorable effects on breast cancer outcomes For example metformina common medication to control blood sugarhas been found to improve outcomes among people with type 2 diabetes with breast cancer Purpose Breast cancer and its treatments may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes T2D We conducted a systematic review and metaanalysis to investigate the association between breast cancer and the incidence of T2D overall and according to breast cancer treatments Methods We searched PubMed Embase and references of relevant papers for studies on breast cancer breast cancer treatment Diabetes and Breast Cancer Connection Risk Treatment Verywell Health The prognostic outcome of type 2 diabetes mellitus and breast cancer A prospective study of type 2 diabetes metformin use and risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Breast Cancer The Interplay between Impaired Diabetes primarily type 2 is associated with increased risk for some cancers liver pancreas endometrium colon and rectum breast bladder Diabetes is associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer For some other cancer sites there appears to be no association or the evidence is inconclusive The objective of this study was to evaluate associations of diabetes overall type 1 diabetes T1D and type 2 diabetes T2D with breast cancer BCa risk We included 250312 women aged 4069 Purpose Breast cancer and its treatments may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes T2D We conducted a systematic review and metaanalysis to investigate the association between breast cancer and the incidence of T2D overall and according to breast cancer treatments Methods We searched PubMed Embase and references anak mengidap diabetes of relevant papers for
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